How to Create a Purpose-Driven Culture

A DISHER leader stands in front of a team meeting.

Empowerment through Purpose: Transforming Your Company Culture “When you’re surrounded by people who share a passionate commitment around a common purpose, anything is possible.” – Howard Schultz, Starbucks Whether you’re a manufacturer, supplier, nonprofit, or just getting started—having a clear organizational purpose matters. Maybe this sounds squishy to you or non-value-add. But a clear purpose…

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Lean & Green: Building a Culture of Sustainability

Lean and Green Blog Header

Most of my career has been spent working with manufacturers on a variety of projects and in several industries. As a manufacturing tech solutions leader with a passion for environmental sustainability, I’ve been intrigued by the parallels between lean manufacturing and sustainability. While the two concepts seem unrelated, there are several systematic similarities. By integrating…

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Driving Productivity Forward with Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMRs)

A THIRA AMR in a manufacturing plant

CEO of Apple, Tim Cook, states, “The way we look at manufacturing is this: the US’s strategy should be to skate where the puck is going, not where it is”. Manufacturing processes continue to improve with dramatic advances in robotics and automation. Labor-intensive, dangerous, and repetitive tasks like product assembly, materials handling, and logistics can…

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Tips to Find Joy in Recruitment Negotiations

Image of two illustrated people shaking hands on a level

If you cringe at the thought of negotiating, you’re not alone. Most people like negotiating about as much as they do public speaking. Thankfully, there is good news. For those of you who manage recruiting and hiring processes, these tips can help you go from experiencing negotiation as a necessary evil (where one party inevitably…

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How Fly Fishing is a Lot Like Recruiting

Fly fisherman standing in a river

A few years back, I was gifted a fly rod for Christmas. With no prior experience with fly fishing, I dove headfirst and was instantly hooked. Fly fishing quickly became one of my favorite hobbies. The more I went fly fishing and learned about the sport, the more I realized how similar it was to…

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Unlocking Healthcare Breakthroughs: The Vital Role of Medical Device Development & Consulting

A group of engineers discuss a medical device cad design

Let’s look at a story that illustrates the power of innovative and collaborative medical device product development consulting. In a rapidly changing healthcare landscape, a prominent hospital faced some big challenges. They needed to improve patient care while reducing operational costs to compete. They turned to their primary medical device OEM for better ideas. The…

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The 7 Stages of a New Product Development Life Cycle

Product Development Process Graphic

A new product development life cycle is a systematic approach used to guide the development and launch of new products. It is a roadmap that outlines the various stages a product goes through from user understanding to launch. The human-centered product development life cycle that DISHER employs includes stages like user research, idea generation, concept…

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