3 Ways to Innovate Smarter and Faster

The pace of innovation can make your head spin. Just a little over a decade ago no one owned a smart phone. Only forty years ago—no one owned a computer. Today, over 60% of Americans are glued to some type of screen. Even colleges struggle to put together curriculums for careers that are coming. It’s hard to keep up, and the pace is only going to get faster. What is your approach to innovation?

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What is Design Thinking?

The Latest ID Label for the Same ID Story Some would say that making a product that looks good is the only duty of an Industrial Designer. This couldn’t be further from the truth! Fundamentally, the role of industrial design (ID), is to grasp the entire design process as it relates to the user and…

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Innovation Still Behind Old School Mastery

The Human Element of Design “Old school” modeling methods are often thought to be obsolete when embracing innovation in product development, but this is not always the case. For 80 years, automotive design studios have used clay to create life-size models. It’s a process that has yet to be abandoned because technology is not able…

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